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interesting work, sir!

a good animation of two stick dudes fighting, nice ''moving flows'', aka the wavy lines that move as they quickly jump towards each other on each scene of the fight.
also, the light-grey outline guy can teleport? thats not fair! :O
but all in all, its a good stick-fight animation, and it also has some cool face expressions.
however, i was expecting a ''HUE''-themed meme thrown inside the movie as well, but i guess i was wrong.

all in all, a good movie.
just add a preloader, add more scenes, and wrap all of this into one solid movie.
it will be very awesome.

Shinyjew responds:

Well he's not teleporting he is just moving very fast. and no the hue is a part of the whole story that will be explained in the episode this is is. It has to do with color. Final veersion will be a non flash video format.

wow, this is an AMAZING, perfectly drawn animation!
very good drawings, excellent faces/face expressions of the characters, nice narration/excellent voice-acting, and a REALLY nice, interesting and FUNNY story!
i liked the general idea of ''bringing forgotten cartoon characters back to life'', and i LOVED all the ''arguing'' between ms miko and the narrator. (it was my favorite part).
also, the jokes were good, the drawings were nice, and the animation was flawless.

i have to ask, though:
who is miko? was she REALLY a forgotten disney character, or is she a character created by you?
either way, its a great movie, and a noble project to start.

i would love to see more from this series.
keep up the good work!

ChaoticAnimations responds:

I shall answer your questions!

I created her originally as a pitch for a Disney cartoon but it never got picked up. Right now were working on doing a fully animated short to show off some more fun with her but we need your guys help. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2026925635/the-forgotten-toon

wow, another cool & detailed stick figure animation!
i like how they ''bleed'' their own colours as they get hit/as they injure their opponent... its an original and cool detail.

also, i liked how the ''blue'' stick was on the verge of dying, but he quickly regenerated his health and fought back!

all in all, it was a very good movie, with fast-paced animation, nicely drawn stickmen, good action, and an interesting battle element.

good work, you are good!

Shinyjew responds:

ha yeah you were in my other video too, this is what i was hinting at when i was talking bout some other elements to it. they can sorta take any remaining goo they have left and vaporizer it, making their powers stronger and increasing their physical speed. so in the next scene dudes spear can multiply in mid air, grow, shrink, all the blue guys have weapon conjures. Red guys morph as in get bigger or taller or spiky.

wow, this was NOT just a ''quick fight'', this was a FULLY-ANIMATED-DETAILED stick fight!
it was amazing, nicely drawn, and executed correctly, with a nice, fast-paced animation (whats your FPS speed? 30?), and it had many cool fights, with magic attacks, bow & arrow, a hammer, fists, and lots of stick-kung fu madness!

all in all, it was a great stick animation, and i would like a couple things from it in order to become perfect:

1. add a preloader/play-replay button, it will improve the quality/style of the movie alot.

2. make a slightly larger movie; i would like to see more fights, more scenes, and if possible, a backstory, with some sort of a script/story going on, and perhaps some backgrounds/voice-acting in there.

but other than that, its a great movie.
i am impressed.

good work!

Shinyjew responds:

would you believe this is my first animation? I read so much stuff on animation fluidity before i even attempted this. This is 24 fps, on alternating 1's and 2's I hold the action contact for anywhere between 2-4 frames. preloaders and stuff like that can be done, on the site, or is that something i have to do outside this? There is an idea i have in which i would use a whole range of colored characters with alliances based on their coloring. but im not really to a point with it that i feel it would be compelling to viewers so i just have fun doing the animations for now.

well, when this movie started, i thought that it would be one cool WW1 war movie, with a serious subject. and indeed, things seemed that way, with the gas-mask soldier, the trenches, the bayonettes, and the troops near the tent, waiting for the next order to charge.

it was going like this, UNTIL.... rodley arrived!
and i started laughing with the funny/creepy hehavior of this seasoned war ''hero''.
he certainly had an ulterior motive for fighting in this war! :O

so creepy, but also so funny!
i liked how his teammates freaked out, how some troops run away when they saw his insanity, and how the half-dead injured soldier tried to pretend that he's not dying (yet).

very nicely drawn characters, with good animation, and solid (creepy) humour!
great work, old sport, great work!

plz do more funny movies like this.
keep up the-good work!

HandsomeSquid responds:

Wow, thanks for your support!

so, you're saying that this movie sucks? I DISAGREE.

its perfect! its nicely animated, with a fast, swift animation pace, some good drawings/good face expressions, and MANY funny moments!

i seriously loved it when meatfist entered the cave full of monsters, and he defeated each one with a hillariously brutal way, while at a moment he penetrated a huge goblin, and he even spared one small goblin, only to (SPOILERS) accidentally smash by slamming the other door wide open! hahaha
it was amazing! and the final scene/final fight VS the goblin king?
it was perfect! hilarious brutality! (a rare sight on movies)

what can i say?
i loved this, it was both well-designed, nicely animated AND funny.
so, you should do more of this/more like this, if you want.
its great!

you rock, man.
keep up the good work. 10/10

NickZweig responds:

Oh wow thanks! compared to my recent stuff this animation is not very good. At the time i was kinda proud of it, but i realized the inking was shitty and the color pallets and everything was something i couldve done better. and i have! I even plan on making a sequel to this bc it kind of gained a reputation in my friend group. Thank you for the positive feedback!

wow, its a very nice, fast-paced, fluid animation.
i like the backgrounds, the details in the character design of the knight/dragon/birds, and i also liked the wild action that was going on in the movie.
also, both the knight's running/fighting animations and the dragons moving animation were good.(and i also liked the part where he was exhaling smoke through his nostrils), everything was perfect.

overall, a good and adventurous movie, i would like to see more stuff like this.

globb90 responds:

Thanks for the review. Im really glad that you liked it :)

i like them undertale puns!
they are pun-tastic! :D

good animation, nice FPS speed, good drawings of both sans+of undyne, cool face expressions, and cheesy jokes.
whats not to like in this movie?

very cool, and very funny!
good work, keep it up!

Poosac responds:

Thnx dood :)

interesting movie.

i like that the music synced with the animation/game video perfectly.
this was really well-done, and i shall congratulate you for that.

i liked how the megaman fighting scenes/changing scenes always matched with the beats/tones of the song, and i generally liked how the whole thing synced.

i see some very good beat-matching, and a good effort in creating a good megaman music video, so you will get some points for that.

however, i shall say, that you should do a more original movie than this.
you should create an animation of your own, with your own characters, and your own ideas, and animate it with epic music like this and do whatever you want! (as long as its created by you, it will be alot better than using sprites/video-playthroughs of other people.).

you can even create a megaman tribute, with characters drawn and animated by you, combined with a new, fresh idea, and some cool action.
i believe that you can do that, because i've seen your talent in this megaman-music video that you've posted in here.

if you can synchronize fast-paced music, with a game video for 3:18+ minutes perfectly, and with great precision(which is almost impossible), then you can definitely create a cool, fresh animation created completely by yourself.

i have faith in you, and i can see that you have good skills in flash.
you just have to create something new, and something that you will animate on your own, instead of using sprites.

that is all.
the music video is perfectly combined/synced, and i like your flash animation skills.
just try to make more original stuff in the future, man!

TheLostOST responds:

Thank you, that's some good feedback combined with kind words, haha! I'll definitely take note of it :) Next time, I'll make my own music AND my own animation; it seems that's what people are expecting on this part of the internets (not wholly surprising of course).

dude, that was very cool!
once again, you did a splendid movie, with excellent visuals, a good story, nice humour, and cool action!

i really liked the black & white style that was dominant in this movie, while i also liked the details in the drawings of the whole animation.
the ''modern express'' ship/hull was very detailed, with everything drawn nicely, i liked the stealth NC aircrafts that were layed out on the ship's flat surface, (they were highly detailed, cool, and i also liked the broken one on the start of the row, cool detail!), i liked the internal systems of the ship, the intricate, detailed control panels, and the radar screens/oscillators/the clocktheon and the clockuno systems (clever! ;) hehe), while i also enjoyed the battle between radiotube/bb10 and the evil robot, it was very nicely animated, and i liked how the ship was getting damaged with each shot/strike, it was a neat detail!

as for the end, i laughed alot, i loved it when i've read this in the story, and i also loved it now.
great movie, good action, hillarious ending.

i love your works my friend, and im always happy & proud to be a part of them!
keep up the good work!

RadioTubeClock responds:

Thanks, I'm glad you like it! Your voice acting definitely helped to bring the ending together. I definitely have plenty of models and electronic junk here at my place which definitely give me good references for putting lots of details into things.

well, hello, im chris the stick, i make random, funny movies, i draw comics, and also i voice act. AKA=BB10-clock.

Age 34, Male



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